Before becoming a parent myself, my career included HR, recruitment and coaching managers and senior leaders in their professional and personal development.
I am now qualified and accredited at Senior Practitioner level with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, specialising in supporting clients through the transition period of becoming a working parent.
My own experience of managing others and then returning to work myself after having my daughter, highlighted a need for more robust support through this transition. Now, I partner with organisations as a specialist coach to support their returning parents.
Clients share that they find me to be fun, warm and down to earth, giving them a renewed sense of self belief, motivation and resilience. My approach to coaching always includes mental health and well-being, sharing tools that can be used in fast paced and often challenging environments.
I see my role as providing a safe and calm space for those facing big changes in their lives to reflect and feel more confident in their way forward.
"The sessions were more helpful than I ever thought possible. I now feel more confident, capable, and better equipped to handle life's challenges."
"After having my second child, I returned to work and was offered some coaching sessions to support me. From the start, I found a safe space to explore my thoughts and feelings. Laura’s approach allowed me to delve into my emotions, which was challenging yet rewarding.
As the coaching progressed, I noticed significant changes in myself.
My confidence grew, empowering me to consider new possibilities.
I gained valuable tools for self-reflection and learned to express my needs more clearly.
I became less apologetic and more assertive.
One of the most impactful sessions was around stress management. Through exercises like the "Circles of Influence," I gained perspective on what I could control, leading to a more relaxed approach to both work and life.
The sessions gave me the space to reflect on my whole life, considering what I want from my career, what I want for my family and how to also protect time for myself.
Reflecting, at the end of the programme I was struck by the profound impact it had had. The sessions were more helpful than I ever thought possible. I now feel more confident, capable, and better equipped to handle life's challenges.
I wholeheartedly recommend working with Laura to others. Whether returning to work, struggling with confidence, seeking better work-life balance, or feeling overwhelmed, I believe everyone could benefit from it."
“I feel proud of myself for having conversations out of my comfort zone. I wouldn’t have done that if it wasn’t for these sessions.”
There’s so much in this feedback from a recent maternity return coachee.
The feeling of pride, increasing her confidence and belief in herself
Acknowledging her success in pushing herself out of her comfort zone.
Using the coaching sessions offered by her organisation as a safe space to talk, reflect and conclude that she was in control of the conversations that needed to happen.
It’s worth also noting that these conversations that were out of her comfort zone resulted in:
Better communication with her line manager
Enabling them both to set out expectations and agree on what was reasonable and realistic
A ripple effect where, having seen the positive outcomes at work she felt better equipped to tackle some issues with her partner about workload at home
Feedback like this demonstrates how accessing coaching at the point of return to work after maternity leave can have a positive impact, not just on the coachee, but on the line manager, wider team and at home.
For more information about how I can support your employees send me a message and I’ll be in touch.

“You asked the right questions to help me shift my assumptions. You helped me shift the belief that you have to work between 3pm and 6pm in order to do a good job.”
We all have rules that we live by, mostly subconsciously. In her coaching session, my client was able to reflect on her belief that you can only do a good job when you work between 3pm and 6pm.
The impact of this belief was that she was working longer hours than she needed to, eating into the time she wanted to spend with her children.
Her organisation already allowed flexible working with core start and finish times. It was available to her but she didn’t want to change her working hours because she thought other people would think she wasn’t doing a good job.
As a result of our conversation she spoke with her Line Manager who was fully supportive of her request as it’s already company policy.
All she needed to do was update her working hours on her e-mail footer.
She told me that the results of this action are:
She is more productive in the time she’s working as she knows there’s a definite end time rather than a blurred line.
She’s more present with her children when she closes her laptop, improving their relationship and helping her feel more relaxed overall.
She’s created a positive ripple effect where other people in the organisation have seen what she’s doing and are putting it in place for themselves.
She also told me that she’s proud of herself for creating a new habit, building her confidence in herself. She’s realised there are other rules she’s living to that are not real and it’s making her wonder what else might be possible.
If you’d like to offer something similar to your returning employees, send me a message to schedule a time for us to talk.
