Pause and reflect
This blog is one of a series, you can find the first one if you missed it.
Knowing how coaches love to collaborate and use their knowledge to support others, we went out to our network to ask if they would share one piece of advice to help us adapt and thrive in periods of unexpected change. We had a lot of brilliant advice which we’ve broken down into these articles.
Julie Creswell, Parenting Coach, sets the scene:
“Imagine you are on a long hike. You’ve been travelling for a while and you’ve lost your bearings. It’s been an uphill climb and you’re tired and thirsty. You could plough on, but the wisest move would be to stop. To pause. In that pause you might have a drink or check your map. You’d probably survey the landscape and to get your bearings –to notice where you are, what’s around you and what the best way forward may be.
In a coaching context pausing and noticing can be so valuable. If, in this journey into unknown territory you were to pause, as if on that climb, and notice the landscape - what’s happening for you right now - what would you observe?
What feelings are you experiencing? What triggers those? What patterns are you noticing? What’s helpful? What are you learning? What times of day feel easiest or most challenging? What do you most need right now?
Sometimes we’re so busy doing, we forget to pause and curiously explore. At other times we can be fearful to stop and take a look, as if by looking we might open ourselves up to overwhelm. Yet taking a step back and the time to notice can bring so much clarity and understanding, which can in turn lead to fresh thinking and ways forward.
On this uncertain journey regular moments to pausing and noticing might be one of our most valuable tools and keep us going in a positive direction.
What do you notice today?”
If you do struggle to reflect clearly in times of stress Stephen Hibbard, suggested using the Timothy Gallwey S.T.O.P model to encourage you to take a step back:
Step back
This model is really encouraging you to create a little distance before you decide on your key priorities at this time. Perhaps you could make it your screensaver or have it on a Post-it above your desk.
Finally, in this section on reflection Daryl Watson, asks you to consider
“What are your personal anchors in life? What matters most? How can that guide you now?”
As an example, Daryl’s own anchors are his faith and his family and the decisions he makes always have them at their centre.
If you’d like more information please feel free to contact Julie, Stephen or Daryl, using the links provided. You can also be in touch with us at or