If you’re finding all the information about setting your goals for the year overwhelming, I’ve got a simple tip for you.
For around 10 years, I’ve picked a word of the year to keep me focussed on where I want to go. It helps because rather than having to muster up a specific goal, it means that I’ll use that word to help me make decisions throughout the year – and I personally find this a more helpful way of keeping on track.
To give a couple of examples, a few years ago, I chose the word fun. The previous year my word had been ‘growth’ and I’d worked really hard, studied for my coaching qualification, put all the hours in for my business and really needed to inject some ‘fun’ into the process before I burnt myself out.
It meant that everything I did that year went through the ‘fun filter’. I applied it to areas of my business but also other areas of my life, it was the year I booked a weekend away with my girlfriends, found days out for me and my daughter that we’d both enjoy, went to see live music again, and generally started doing things for enjoyment rather than because I thought I should!
My word of the year for 2019 has been ‘connection’ and it’s shone through in everything I’ve done, it’s where my in-person mini-meets have come from, it’s improved my relationship with my husband and daughter, and with myself! Everything I’ve done I’ve come back to questions like ‘what’s the quickest way for me to connect with them?’ ‘Given that my business is all about human connection, how I can bring that to the forefront?’ ‘On a scale of 1-10 how connected do I feel with myself/ my daughter / them right now?’ and the answers to these questions tend to tell me where I’m going wrong and point me in a better direction for me.
So that’s my thought for you today – what word will you choose for yourself next year?
To help you decide, here’s a few questions:
1. What’s missing for you at the moment?
2. What did you used to love that you haven’t done for a while?
3. What would you like to be your focus next year?
4. How would you love to feel at the end of next year?
5. What will help you feel that way?
It might also help to scribble out a mind map to get there. Working with a client recently, she told me that she would love to focus on friendships next year and when we explored that, she realised that it was about connection, her own well-being and an element of fun that she wanted to build on.
This year I’m going for the word ‘energy’. I want to feel energised by the way I spend my time, already I can see that it’s going to have an impact personally but also when I think about how I want to feel about work, who I want to work with and in what way.
You can do all kinds of things with this to keep you on track, make a vision board, share it with a friend, write it down, journal around it, add it into your appraisal at work etc…
So, what will your word for 2020 be? I’d absolutely love to know, feel free to reply and share it with me.
If you want some help figuring out your direction for next year let me know and we can arrange a call to talk about how I can support you.